Blue Flower

First Seminar of the ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music

Tallin, Estonia, September 19-20, 2014 
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Eesti Muusika-ja Teatriakadeemia

Local OrganiserŽanna PÄRTLAS (Estonia)
Program Committee: Ardian Ahmedaja (Austria/Albania), Ignazio Macchiarella (Italy), Žanna PÄRTLAS (Estonia)
Supported by: The Cultural Endowment of Estonia the Estonian Research Council

Multipart Music: theoretical approaches on the terminology
The current definition of the multipart music used by the ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music reads: Multipart music is a specific mode of music making and expressive behavior based on the intentionally distinct and coordinated participation in the performing act by sharing knowledge and shaping values. The term “multipart music” and others connected with it are applied in different meanings in the scholarly literature and the symposia of the Study Group. Therefore an in-depth discussion on theoretical approaches of this particular terminology has become more than necessary. This seminar will be dedicated entirely to this subject.

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