Blue Flower


Ignazio Macchiarella, ed, Multipart Music, A specific mode of musical thinking, expressive behavior and sound, Nota, Udine 2012


Paperback : 507 pages 

Language: English 


ISBN 9788861630925


Multipart music really is a fascinating and complex phenomenon. Actually, it is a specific “mode of musical thinking, expressive behaviour and sound”. It means that multipart musics have a distinctive typicalness within the general music making sphere. To qualify this typicalness is the main aim of ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) Study Group on Multipart Music. The discussions of this Study Group are pivoted on a basic point: to study multipart music means to focus on what individuals do when they sing/play together in organized ways.

The book includes papers from the first meeting of the Study Group (September 15-20, 2010, Cagliari – Sardinia). It opens with two introductory theoretical texts by Ignazio Macchiarella (Theorizing on multipart music making ) and Enrique Camara de Landa (Multipart music making between Spain and Latin America: some considerations related to the theoretical proposals of Ignazio Macchiarella), followed by papers organized in five sections:
1- Historical Perspectives: Gerda Lechleitner, Susanne Ziegler, Rossana Dalmonte, Vasco Zara and Massimo Privitera.
2- Theory and Concepts: Hugo Ferran, Žanna Pärtlas, Jacques Bouët and Joseph Jordania
3- Making Multipart Musics: Case Studies Mauro Balma, Joško Ćaleta, Fulvia Caruso, Daiva Račiūnaitė-Vyčinienė, Eno Koço, Giuseppe Massimo Rizzo, Girolamo Garofalo, Joao de Carvalho and Gerald Florian Messner.
4- Pyrenees an emerging field: Philippe Cauguilhem, Jean Jacques Casteret, Jaume Ayats, Jean-Christophe Maillard and Iris Gayete.

5- Multipart Singing in Sardinia: Sebastiano Pilosu, Marco Lutzu, Roberto Milleddu and Paolo Bravi. 

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